To incite insights

Saturday 10 March 2012

Questioning the concept of Democracy in Africa

It is critical to analyze how democracy fits well in African systems of governance so that we create a hybrid that functions better in our context.

One thing is for sure that democracy as we have perceived it in Africa is “dictatorship of the majority” overshadowing the views and needs of the minority.

This is why we are preoccupied with elections so that we know who is supported by the majority and thereafter they become dictators through maintaining the “winner takes it all type of government” which further enacts restrictive laws that promotes alienation of the minority.

Democracy as it stands has the potential of causing divisions, conflicts and polarity over issues and within the context of Africa this becomes the route of so many challenges that we face.

The minority in most cases are those that have less economic clout and political influence to sway opinion towards their favor- at times the very common people in the country.

Democracy has become a system that gives legitimacy to taking sides rather than allowing our leaders to take both sides and put them together.

What then Africa might need is strategic leadership rather than Democracy for such leadership has the ability to be inclusive in its decision making to ensure that there is no divide in society between the majority and the minority for all opinions matter if society is to become progressive.

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