To incite insights

Friday 25 October 2013

21st Afri-CAN leadership demands

The 21st Century presents a good opportunity for leadership emergence in Africa.

Simply put, the continents' problems are it's very opportunities if a transformational and adaptive leadership emerges, such a leadership should be anchored on achieving the common goals of its society.

Africa's resources, the unprecedented youth bulge, growth projections, penetration of new ICTs and our increased awareness of the importance of indigenous knowledge are all indications of how the continent can take strides in this century and possible become the leader in growth and development.

Repositioning Africa demands for continuous leadership emergence, inter-generational dialogue and critical thinking on how existing challenges can be transformed into opportunities.

The obtaining challenges require the leadership's ability to utilize wisdom of the majority rather than the intelligence of the minority. Something that questions the fundamentals of our perception and practice of democracy. We need to make democracy work for African!

Although the existing model of representative democracy (with its foreign roots) is premised to promote the rule of the majority, for Africa it seems to perpetuate dictatorship of a minority by creating an elite ruling class that detaches itself from the rest of its people the moment that it gets elected into power.

Beyond elections, we need to develop leaders and systems that promote participatory democracy where there is collective visioning and dialogue on what Africa needs and the architecture of how to get there.

It is time we focus on creating leadership at multiple levels, something that we have already identified in African wisdom as captured in our thinking that "one finger can't crush lice".

 A leader no matter how great, cannot single handedly change situations and as such we need a slight departure from the thinking of the "great leader", "the mwalimu", "the father" or the "wise old leader".

Another critical challenge for the continent's leadership is how to create effective succession processes in our leadership. The dynamism of the world around us require that opportunities for the emergence of leaders be deliberately created.

We also need to rethink how we see conflict we need to depart from the current thinking were difference mean "bad or worse than" towards seeing diversity as our strongest characteristics that can enhance our collective creativity.

All these considerations will amount to nothing as long as we continue to perceive leadership as something about "them". More often than not we are critical of political leaders and we criticize them for all sorts of bad leadership tendencies without taking time to look into ourselves for a minute.

During the Leadership and Society training by the African Leadership Centre in collaboration with OSISA, one thing came out strongly that leadership start with us (you dear reader and me).

Africa needs a new generation of leaders who focuses more on making influence rather than earn a position of authority.

The power of this new generation of leaders is not positional power but rather it is the power to influence from where ever they are in whatever capacity they find themselves.